Release of Liability/ Assumption of Risk
Because of the extreme cost, cost that would have to be passed on to our clientele in the form of higher tuition for all, you accept the responsibility of providing coverage for the individual that you register at Deary’s Gymnastics. You enroll your child in the Deary’s Gymnastics program with the understand that physical activity entails a certain amount of risk towards bodily injury. You hereby release Deary’s and its employees of liability and suits of law in equity for injury resulting from the activities, this includes your heirs.
Payment Policies
Our payments policy is that tuition should be paid by the first class of each month. We do extend a one-week grace period, after which a $10.00 late fee is applied. Because these fees are based on our 40-week class schedule from September to June, pro-rating payments will not be allowed. Fees are based on paying for your child’s spot in class. To cancel class, you must call prior to the month you wish to cancel.
Late fee: A $10.00 late fee will be charged for payments made after the 2nd class of the month. Credit card will be charged after 3rd week with no payment.
Returned checks: A $20.00 late fee will be charged for all returned checks.
Team fees based on your child’s level. No pro-rates. To stay on team, fee must be paid all year long at your level.
It is the policy of Deary’s Gymnastics that all parents provide their own insurance.
There is a yearly non-refundable $25.00 registration fee, $5.00 for each additional child in a family. Every registration includes a Deary’s tee-shirt.
All fees are based on the number of classes from September through June.
There is no pro-rate.
There is no registration fee for summer sessions. July- August Family rate: Each additional child is 1/2 price.